
Tuesday, June 1, 2010

An ExtraORDinary Place with ExtraORDinary Kids

Our town (Ord, NE) has a celebration at the end of May called "ExtraORDinary Days."   The festivities are held over a weekend so there's really not anything going on during the week to take the kids to.  
One afternoon last week I needed to get the school age kids out of the Center so the younger kids could rest.  We'd already been to the Little park and they didn't all have swimming gear for the pool.  Not really knowing where we were going to go, I packed up boxes of crayons, a pack of drawing paper and some trays to put the paper on while drawing.

We started walking looking for a shady place to sit and draw.  Since we didn't want to sit in people's lawns we needed to find a public place. Then it occurred to me--the town square!  We divided up into groups of two.  They were told to find a shady spot on the courthouse lawn

and look around the square and draw something that caught their eye.  It was interesting to see what each child saw. 

 The Movie Theater

a lady bug on a leaf

Tree, park bench and steps to Court house

Tree, boulder and bird

What's written on the boulder

The satellite dish on top of radio station

While they may not have captured the images of things that remind me of what our community has to offer but they showed me parts of the town that I too often overlooked. 

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