
Thursday, July 15, 2010

Erupting with activity 2

One of the most fun sand projects the kids had were making volcanoes.  They started just by making a mountain and making a path coming down and around it. Without surprise they asked if they could have baking soda and vinegar to make it erupt. (They never seem to tire of this activity.)  I went in the house to get the supplies and within minutes "S", our top scientist, was in asking for aluminum foil.  He had a plan.  He wanted to cover the path with foil so the vinegar and baking soda wouldn't be absorbed into the sand.
They had a golf ball that they wanted to float down the path as it erupted.  Once they got the foil in place it was time for the baking soda. Then the vinegar.  It didn't work as they hoped. They needed another plan.  Here come's little 4 yr old "A" to the rescue!!  He had found the plastic inserts (pvc pipe) and ping pong balls from our volcano models we used at a recent Kid's Fair.  They buried the inserts in the sand and tried using the ping pong balls.
They still didn't get the results they hoped for.  We tried another tactic..
putting the tube in at an angle.

This worked better and sent the ball down the path a little way.  

It wasn't long before all the rest of the kids were watching and making their own volcanoes.

 Before their discoveries were finished the baking soda and vinegar ran out.  While they wanted me to run to the store that moment to get more, it was almost time to go home. I promised them I would get more and they could try again tomorrow.  

For less than the cost of a DVD, about 12 kids were entertained for a couple hours that afternoon.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Erupting with activity

What do you get when you combine a new shipment of sand, buckets and a little imagination? 

At "Linda's" we get a wide array of things like fields, sand castles, ant hills, sand towns and volcanoes. At the beginning of June we got a shipment of sand. Thanks to wonderful helpers (Sara, Carla, & Jason) we had it moved into the fence in a couple hours.   It wasn't long before the imaginative juices started flowing....

"Urtle Island"
Making roads

sand smiley face

Corn for the fields which later did start to grow.

the ant hill

The sand has provided many opportunities for discovery and imagination.  In the process of all this creativity the kids have had to work on cooperation, sharing and reasoning skills. 

There is no question the kids get dirty and probably bring home a great deal of sand in their shoes and hair.  While some parents may be irritated by this, we more commonly hear statements such as:
"I know they had fun!"
"We definitely know what they accomplished today"
"At least we know they didn't spend the day in front of a screen."
"No problem, they will wash! "
For about the price of ONE video game we've provided 20+ kids hours of entertainment (all at the same time!)     It was definitely a worthwhile investment!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Is it still wrong??

If a man speaks in a forest and there are no women around to hear is he still wrong?


You've probably heard this question before.  Men and women obviously have different opinions on this.   Similar questions have entered my mind quite often lately as I work with the preschoolers and school age kids during the summer.   


If I break a rule when none of the teachers see me, is it still wrong?  

Is (insert action) still wrong if I don't get caught?

The first question is making the assumption that a man is always wrong.  This is clearly debatable and I won't go there! LOL   The questions in my mind leave little to debate in terms of right and wrong. The underlying message in both questions is whether certain actions are right or wrong if no one sees another person doing them.


Lately we've felt like broken records (or in terms kids would understand--"skipping CD's"). We no sooner get done telling the children that a certain action is not acceptable (throwing sand, hanging on tree branches, taking off shoes outside, etc), we turn our backs and someone does it.

The usual response is   "I didn't do it!" Followed by a chorus of other voices saying  "I saw you do it!" 


I suppose it's human nature to see how much you can get away with--how far you can push the limits.  Don't we as adults use similar excuses?  "It's only illegal if you get caught."  "What they don't know won't hurt them." 

The scary part of this attitude to me is the 'sneakiness' of it.  I suppose that's what makes it all the more appealing.  While throwing sand and swinging from tree branches may not be major offenses when looking at the bigger picture, its the motive--the way of thinking and justifying ones actions--that can lead to bigger problems.

Now do I think these kids are destined to a life of crime? NO!! I have some of the greatest kids and the parents have a reason to be proud of the persons they are becoming.


We have used examples with the kids to help them understand the concept that actions don't have to be seen for someone to know they happened.   

"Suppose you were at the park and everything was dry. It rained over night and the park is now wet.  Are you sure it rained at the park ?  (They respond "yes") How do you know, you didn't see it?  (They respond with "things are wet")  So does rain get things wet even if you didn't see it rain? (yes). "  We then go on to explain to them that breaking the rules is wrong even if no one sees you doing it.  We then  point out however that SOMEONE does see it------ GOD. 

We know kids will push the limits and rules will get broken from time to time. I  just hope we are getting the message across well enough so when they are faced with tough decisions they will make the right choice.