
Thursday, July 15, 2010

Erupting with activity 2

One of the most fun sand projects the kids had were making volcanoes.  They started just by making a mountain and making a path coming down and around it. Without surprise they asked if they could have baking soda and vinegar to make it erupt. (They never seem to tire of this activity.)  I went in the house to get the supplies and within minutes "S", our top scientist, was in asking for aluminum foil.  He had a plan.  He wanted to cover the path with foil so the vinegar and baking soda wouldn't be absorbed into the sand.
They had a golf ball that they wanted to float down the path as it erupted.  Once they got the foil in place it was time for the baking soda. Then the vinegar.  It didn't work as they hoped. They needed another plan.  Here come's little 4 yr old "A" to the rescue!!  He had found the plastic inserts (pvc pipe) and ping pong balls from our volcano models we used at a recent Kid's Fair.  They buried the inserts in the sand and tried using the ping pong balls.
They still didn't get the results they hoped for.  We tried another tactic..
putting the tube in at an angle.

This worked better and sent the ball down the path a little way.  

It wasn't long before all the rest of the kids were watching and making their own volcanoes.

 Before their discoveries were finished the baking soda and vinegar ran out.  While they wanted me to run to the store that moment to get more, it was almost time to go home. I promised them I would get more and they could try again tomorrow.  

For less than the cost of a DVD, about 12 kids were entertained for a couple hours that afternoon.

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