Random Acts of Kindness

Random Acts of Kindness Week 2016 is Feb. 14-20.
We will be doing some Kindness Projects. Please keep a look out of notes being sent home.
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Friday, March 4, 2011

There's a Wocket in my Pocket

This is probably one of my favorite Dr. Seuss books.  It's not too long to lose their interest and the rhyming keeps the kids giggling.  After reading the book yesterday we rhymed each of the kids' names. They especially thought the nonsense words were funny.
Our project then was to make Wockets and Pockets.  The original idea for the Wocket came from a school age child who used a small sponge to make a Sponge Bob picture.

We made paper pockets out of construction paper and gave each child a small sponge.  We set out wiggly eyes and sparkly sequins and crayons and let them do their stuff. They turned out quite cute!